As Time Goes BY; "Here's looking at you kid"; 在兵临城下美版电影的时候去了复制的rick's cafe充斥着外国特别是中国游客和当地格格不入兵临城下美版电影也没有如它名字一般想象中浪漫整个老城区脏乱差仿佛回到国内八九十年代的感觉那些浪漫还是留在电影里吧
故事完整节奏恰当Kang w/ Hangman <3
只有我一个人觉得Andy这条线其实不错么…… Haley once was kinda a homecoming queen who treated relationships barely seriously.But after she fell for Andy,she learned so much about a serious relationship and the necessity of compromise or sacrifice one might make in it. 这一季感触最深的是Alex那条线兵临城下美版电影可能正好和本人现在的阶段重合吧When I saw her lying in the bed alone,I just burst into tears.